Sarah gave a talk and contributed to a discussion on a panel on applied science fiction at the the Royal Anthropological Institute’s conference on Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society. She spoke about storylistening and why science fiction matters for public reasoning about artificial intelligence.
Tag: science fiction
Sarah and Claire joined FuturePod host Peter Hayward for an episode of this long-running and insightful podcast series. We talk about storylistening, with a particular focus on its relevance to futures practitioners and academics, and others concerned with anticipation. The episode covers how we met and started working together (and each of our interests in Futures), the main arguments of the book (including the framework of the four-fold functions of stories), with a particular focus on communicating the insights of Chapter 4 – Anticipation, including the historical and present relationship between Futures Studies and science fiction. The episode webpage contains a full transcript which can be searched for keywords, and a list of the works we mention along the way in the conversation.